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Camus Combo Build High Attack Steal Ultimate Enemy

Camus Combo Build High Attack Steal Ultimate Enemy

Camus is event bey, you can get camus first from event Camus (Exchange Event / Puzze Event) or you can get it form open gacha black ticket (S-mart). Camus has very unique Skill, the skill can exchange your ultimate to enemy ultimate when enemy ultimate fully. So camus will ultimate first. Camus usually used to defend team form championship or can be attacker too.

How to farming part of Camus? 

You can add whislist from your Gym. So, level up your Gym until max you can get 2-3 part Legendary per day.

Or you can exchange your club point to be Universal Legendary Part.

So, this is build combo for Camus High Attack Steal Ultimate Enemy.

Battle Cap: Camus
Microchips Needed:
- 1x Infinite: HP %
- 2x Kinetic : Atk %
- Interference : Skill Dmg Taken -%

Weight Ring: Celestial
Microchips Needed:
- 1x Interference : Skill Dmg Taken -%
- 1x Infinite: HP %

Driver: Shadow
Microchips Needed:
- 2x Pendulum: Skill CD -%


Camus don't need any charge / landing charge because the unique skill is exchange own ultimate to enemy ultimate when the enemy ultimate fully 100%. Celestial make attack, defend, and stamina camus upgrade because camus ULT is make negatif buff for enemy. And Shadow with Skill CD can throw any blade fast to enemy when camus at stadium wall, and enemy can't impact easy because when the blade hit the enemy, it will knock back. 

Okay, I hope it will help you to build combo.

If you have any recommendation, you can post comment below.

See you next time.

For more clear abaut this build you can see this video
Camus Combo Build High Attack Steal Ultimate Enemy

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